Recommended solutions for vets and veterinary care

Laundry technology solutions for vets and veterinary care
A successful veterinary practice accumulates lots of laundry when caring for unwell animals. This is why it is extremely important to ensure that the environment is clean and safe. From blankets to bed sheets and drapes: a veterinary practice must take many things into consideration, particularly its adherence to rigorous and controlled cleaning processes in order to minimise the risk of spreading infection. Reprocessing these items in a simple domestic machine will not achieve the desired result; it is a specialist job that requires the right technology and wash programmes. Reliable machines are absolutely crucial when it comes to achieving consistent, high standards in the reprocessing of laundry. MieleĀ Professional has a worldwide reputation for the quality, reliability and longevity of its products.
Find out more about our system concept for this industry
Profit from our holistic solutions in all aspects of your surgery. Discover our 360PRO system for your vetinerary practice.