The Cliniserve robot drives across a corridor with people. It uses sensors to find its way.
HomeKnowledge HubBlogCliniserve aims to automate care processes

How a single click takes the pressure off care workers

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Julian Nast-Kolb and his partners from the Munich-based Cliniserve startup develop task and absence management systems which digitalize and automate care processes. The workload on carers is reduced, allowing them to take greater care of patients and residents.
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Interview with Cliniserve

Cliniserve's founders Jaakko Nurkka, Julian Nast-Kolb and Quirin Körner stand next to each other in front of a white wall with the Cliniserve logo.

Mr. Nast-Kolb, how are you combatting the care crisis with Cliniserve

Our nurses are spending as little as 10 % to 15 % of their working hours actually providing care. They waste valuable time through unnecessary legwork, poor communication and tasks which are better suited to service staff. Activities can be delegated or automated, allowing nurses to concentrate once again on providing care to those in their charge. We offer software to digitalise these processes. 
How do your 'Cliniserve Care' and 'Cliniserve Team' products work in a nursing home or hospital? 

Cliniserve Care, a task communication system for everyday work onwards, allows activities to be assigned fully, automatically, and digitally to staff members according to requirements and qualifications. A digital care assistant informs carers who can then react promptly and provide a response to residents. This puts paid to unnecessary journeys and time wasted on telephone calls between staff members. 

Cliniserve Team is a digital absence management tool. Short-term personnel absences and bottlenecks can be managed more simply and faster as all available employees together with their qualifications are displayed and can be contacted at the click of a mouse. Long communication chains are a thing of the past.  

What potential do Cliniserve Care and Cliniserve Team offer? 

Cliniserve Care saves up to 25 minutes per 8-hour shift and employee – time, which can be immediately invested in looking after patients. At the University Clinic of Schleswig-Holstein, around 1,000 walked kilometres could be saved last year. Managers of a team of employees spend only half of the time coordinating staff members or stopping gaps in the rota. 

All involved in healthcare are in search of solutions to reduce the strain on a care sector beset by scarce resources. Many of the ideas consume lots of time and money. These tools have to be integrated into existing IT systems and care documentation. The costs and efforts are horrendous. From initial tests to decision-making and implementation, Cliniserve requires no more than four hours. Simple smartphones are all the hardware that is needed. Those in need of care also naturally profit directly from this technology. 

How many hospitals and care homes are already using the apps developed by your company in Germany?

Currently, 20 institutes use our product in a wide range of applications, whereby at the moment, the focus is on big teaching hospitals. We can now manage, for instance, how, when and by whom a patient is transferred to theatre. In theatre, digitalisation has already started its triumph, most processes have long been automated and most technical equipment is digitised. But what use is all this to surgeons if the person requiring care is missing?

We aim to become the leading care operating system in Europe.

Julian Nast-Kolb (Cliniserve)
A Cliniserve robot runs errands down a hospital corridor.

What is your objective? 

We aim to become the leading care operating system in Europe. We are already represented in Austria with Cliniserve. In autumn, Luxembourg and France will come under starter's orders and we are currently in the throes of preparing for this event. The system only needs to have a further language added. We aim to do the same for other countries in search of digital solutions. 

Have you reached the end in terms of your mobile application taking work off staff? 

We are far from having implemented all our ideas and continue to extend our range of products to ensure they provide solutions to an increasing number of challenges. Last year, for example, we were approached by the Miele company. Together, we managed to integrate robots into everyday hospital life. They run errands such as for example bringing blood samples to the laboratory. All in the interests of the health and wellbeing of those in care.

This article is part of our customer magazine "PROconcept". Feel free to download the digital version of the magazine. 

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